@extends('layouts.admin') @section('pageTitle') Best Insurance | Completed Leads @stop @section('pageCss') @stop @section('content')

@if($information->status == "-1")

@if(isset($information->insurer)) {{--*/ $insurer = $information->insurer /*--}} @else {{--*/ $insurer = '' /*--}} @endif

@if($product_name != '' && $policy_number != '') {{$product_name}} - {{$policy_number}} @else View Plolicy @endif

@if($information->status == 0)


Comment: {{$information->comments_for_rejection}}

{!! Form::label('Name') !!} :
{{$information->title.' '.$information->fname.' '.$information->lname}}
{!! Form::label('Date Of Birth ') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Address') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Postcode') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Email') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Other Email Address') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Contact Number') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Other Contact Number') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Industry Type') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Occupation') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Employee Status') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Employer Name ') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Date started with current Employer ') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Gross Annual Income') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Monthly Salary') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Smoker') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Joint/2nd Applicant') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Joint/2nd Applicant DOB') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Joint/2nd Applicant Occupation') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Marketing Preference') !!} :
{{ Form::hidden('id', $information->id)}}
{!! Form::label('Policy Number') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Product Name') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Insurer') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Status') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Customer Status') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Payment System') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Monthly Cost') !!} :
£{{ number_format((float)str_replace(',','',$information->monthlycost), 2, '.', '') }}
{!! Form::label('Type Of Cover') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Monthly Benefit') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Excess period') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Benefit Period') !!} :
{{$policy_prefix->benifit_period}} Months
{!! Form::label('Insurance Startdate') !!} :
{{date('d/m/Y', strtotime($information->insurance_startdate))}}
{!! Form::label('Insurance Enddate') !!} :
{{date('d/m/Y', strtotime($information->insurance_enddate))}}
{!! Form::label('Is Vulnerable') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Vulnerable Reason') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Transfer Cover from another provider') !!} :
@if(ucWords($information->transfer) == "Yes")
{!! Form::label('Current Provider') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Current policy inception date') !!} :
{!! str_limit($information->current_policy_date, $limit = 10, $end = '') !!}
{!! Form::label('Current policy type') !!} :
{!! str_limit($information->current_policy_type, $limit = 10, $end = '') !!}
{!! Form::label('Current policy monthly benefit amount') !!} :
{!! str_limit($information->current_monthly_benefit, $limit = 10, $end = '') !!}
{!! Form::label('Current policy excess period') !!} :
{!! str_limit($information->current_excess_period, $limit = 10, $end = '') !!}
{!! Form::label('Type of Protection') !!} :
{{ucfirst(str_replace('_',' ',$information->typeofprotection))}}
{!! Form::label('Increasing Benefit ') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Monthly Commitment') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Account Name') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Sortcode') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Account Number') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Direct Debit Date') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Bank') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Lead Source Field') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Affiliate Id') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Country of Birth') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Country of Nationality') !!} :
{!! Form::label('IP Address') !!} :
@if(isset($productQuestions) && $productQuestions != '' && $questions)
@foreach($productQuestions as $key => $que) @if($que != '' && !empty($que))
{{$questions->$key}}         @if($key=="question2" && $questions->$key=="Yes" ) {{$questions->question1desc}} @endif
@endif @endforeach
@if(!empty($questions) && $underwriting_questions != '')
{{$questions->q2}} {!!$questions->question1desc!!}
@if($questions->q9 == 'Kg') {{$questions->q9_message.''}} Kgs
@else {{$questions->q9_message.''}} Lbs @endif

Available date: {{$questions->q10_date}}
Preferred time: {{$questions->q10_time}}
@if($information->product_id == Config::get('constant.SHEPHERDS_FRIENDLY_LONGTERM') || $information->product_id == Config::get('constant.SHEPHERDS_FRIENDLY_SHORTERM')) @else @endif
@stop @section('pageBottomJs') @stop