@extends('layouts.admin') @section('pageTitle') Best Insurance | Incompleted Leads @stop @section('pageCss') @stop @section('content')
@if(isset($policy_prefix)) {{--*/ $policy_number = $policy_prefix->policy_prefix.$information->policy_number /*--}} @else {{--*/ $policy_number = '' /*--}} @endif @if(isset($policy_prefix)) {{--*/ $policy_pre = $policy_prefix->policy_prefix /*--}} @else {{--*/ $policy_pre = '' /*--}} @endif @if(isset($policy_prefix->product_name)) {{--*/ $product_name = $policy_prefix->product_name /*--}} @else {{--*/ $product_name = '' /*--}} @endif @if(isset($information->insurer)) {{--*/ $insurer = $information->insurer /*--}} @else {{--*/ $insurer = '' /*--}} @endif

@if($policy_number != '') {{$product_name.' - '.$policy_number}} @else {{$information->title.' '.$information->fname.' '.$information->lname}} @endif

{!! Form::open(array('url' => 'account/update-incomplete-lead','id' => 'formValidation')) !!}
{{ Form::hidden('id', $information->id)}} {!! Form::label('Type of Protection') !!} {{ Form::select('typeofprotection', [ '0' => 'Select ', 'income_protection' => 'Income Protection', 'payment_protection' => 'Payment Protection', 'payment_protection_plus' => 'Payment Protection Plus'],$information->typeofprotection, ['class' => 'form-control select2 select2-hidden-accessible'] ) }}
{!! Form::label('Insurer') !!} {{ Form::select('insurer', [ '0' => 'Select', 'UKGI' => 'UKGI', 'Alpha' => 'Alpha', 'MMS' => 'MMS', 'Keystone' => 'Keystone'],$information->insurer, ['class' => 'form-control select2 select2-hidden-accessible'] ) }}
{!! Form::label('Title') !!} {{ Form::select('title', [ '0' => 'Select', 'Mr.' => 'Mr.', 'Ms.' => 'Ms.', 'Mrs.' => 'Mrs.', 'Dr.' => 'Dr.', 'Rev.' => 'Rev.', 'Miss.' => 'Miss'],$information->title, ['class' => 'form-control select2 select2-hidden-accessible'] ) }}
{{ Form::label('First Name') }} {{ Form::text('fname', $information->fname, array( 'class'=>'form-control', 'required')) }}
{{ Form::label('Last Name') }} {{ Form::text('lname', $information->lname, array( 'class'=>'form-control', 'required')) }}
{{ Form::label('Date Of Birth') }} {{ Form::text('dob', $information->dob, array( 'readOnly' => 'true', 'class'=>'form-control', 'required', 'id' => 'datepicker', )) }}
@if($information->emp_status == 'Employed') {{ 'Employed ' }} {{ Form::radio('emp_status', 'Employed',true) }}        {{ 'Self-Employed '}} {{ Form::radio('emp_status', 'Self-Employed') }}        {{ 'Contractor ' }} {{ Form::radio('emp_status', 'Contractor') }} @elseif($information->emp_status == 'Self-Employed') {{ Form::label('Employed') }} {{ Form::radio('emp_status', 'Employed') }}        {{ Form::label('Self-Employed') }} {{ Form::radio('emp_status', 'Self-Employed',true) }}        {{ Form::label('Contractor') }} {{ Form::radio('emp_status', 'Contractor') }} @elseif($information->emp_status == 'Contractor') {{ Form::label('Employed') }} {{ Form::radio('emp_status', 'Employed') }}        {{ Form::label('Self-Employed') }} {{ Form::radio('emp_status', 'Self-Employed') }}        {{ Form::label('Contractor') }} {{ Form::radio('emp_status', 'Contractor',true) }} @else {{ Form::label('Employed') }} {{ Form::radio('emp_status', 'Employed') }}        {{ Form::label('Self-Employed') }} {{ Form::radio('emp_status', 'Self-Employed') }}        {{ Form::label('Contractor') }} {{ Form::radio('emp_status', 'Contractor') }} @endif
{{ Form::label('Occupation') }} {{ Form::text('occupation', $information->occupation, array( 'class'=>'form-control')) }}
{{ Form::label('Employer Name') }} {{ Form::text('employer_name', $information->employer_name, array( 'class'=>'form-control')) }}
{{ Form::label('Premise Name') }} {{ Form::text('premiseName', $information->lname, array( 'class'=>'form-control', 'required')) }}
{{ Form::label('Address1') }} {{ Form::text('address1', $information->address1, array( 'class'=>'form-control', 'required')) }}
{{ Form::label('Address2') }} {{ Form::text('address2', $information->address2, array( 'class'=>'form-control', 'required')) }}
{{ Form::label('Address3') }} {{ Form::text('address3', $information->address3, array( 'class'=>'form-control')) }}
{{ Form::label('Address4') }} {{ Form::text('address4', $information->address4, array( 'class'=>'form-control')) }}
{{ Form::label('Postcode') }} {{ Form::text('postcode', $information->postcode, array( 'class'=>'form-control', 'required')) }}
{{ Form::label('Email') }} {{ Form::email('email', $information->email, array( 'class'=>'form-control', 'required')) }}
{{ Form::label('Telephone') }} {{ Form::text('telephone', $information->telephone, array( 'class'=>'form-control', 'required')) }}
{{ Form::label('Insurance Startdate') }} {{ Form::text('insurance_startdate', date('m/d/Y',strtotime($information->insurance_startdate)), array( 'class'=>'form-control', 'id' => 'insurerStartdate','required')) }}
{{ Form::label('Type Of Cover') }} {{ Form::select('typeofcover', [ '0' => 'select', 'ASU' => 'Unemployment, Accident & Sickness', 'U' => 'Unemployment only', 'AS' => 'Accident & Sickness only' ],$information->typeofcover, array('class'=>'form-control')) }}
{{ Form::label('Monthly Commitment') }} {{ Form::text('monthlycommitment', $information->monthlycommitment, array( 'class'=>'form-control', 'id' => '')) }}
{{ Form::label('Age') }} {{ Form::text('age', $information->age, array( 'class'=>'form-control', 'required', 'id' => '')) }}
{{ Form::label('Monthly Benefit') }} {{ Form::text('monthlybenefit', $information->monthlybenefit, array( 'class'=>'form-control', 'id' => '')) }}
{{ Form::label('Monthly Cost including 6% IPT') }} {{ Form::text('monthlycost', number_format((float)str_replace(',','',$information->monthlycost), 2, '.', ''), array('class'=>'form-control', )) }}
{{ Form::label('cover') }} {{ Form::text('cover', $information->cover, array( 'class'=>'form-control', 'id' => '')) }}
{{ Form::label('Excess period') }} {{ Form::select('excessperiod', [ '1' => 'Back to day 1', '30' => '30 days', '60' => '60 days', ],$information->insurance_startdate, array( 'class'=>'form-control', 'id' => '')) }}
{{ Form::label('Account Name') }} {{ Form::text('accountname', $information->accountname, array( 'class'=>'form-control', 'id' => '')) }}
{{ Form::label('Account Number') }} {{ Form::text('accountnumber', $information->accountnumber, array( 'class'=>'form-control', 'id' => '')) }}
{{ Form::label('Sortcode') }} {{ Form::text('sortcode', $information->sortcode, array( 'class'=>'form-control')) }}
{{ Form::label('Source') }} {{ Form::text('affid', $information->affid, array('class'=>'form-control', 'required')) }}
{{ Form::label('Status') }} {{ Form::select('status',[ '0' => 'Yet to contact', 'Call 15' => 'Call 15', 'Call Day 1-7' => 'Call Day 1-7', 'Call Day 8-21' => 'Call Day 8-21', 'Call Day 21 plus' => 'Call Day 21 plus', 'Quote sent' => 'Quote sent', 'Organised Call Back' => 'Organised Call Back', 'NLI' => 'NLI', 'Gone Elsewhere' => 'Gone Elsewhere', 'Invalid' => 'Invalid', 'Sold' => 'Sold' ], $information->status, array( 'class'=>'form-control')) }}
@if(isset($productQuestions) && $questions) @foreach($productQuestions as $key => $que) @if($que != '' && !empty($que))

{{'- '.$questions->$key}}
@endif @endforeach @endif
{{ Form::label('Notes') }} {{ Form::textArea('comment', $information->comment, array('class'=>'form-control','rows' => '4')) }}
{{ Form::submit('Submit',array('class'=>'btn btn-success','rows' => '4')) }}
@stop @section('pageBottomJs') @stop