@extends('layouts.admin') @section('pageTitle') Best Insurance | Completed Leads @stop @section('pageCss') @stop @section('content')
@if(isset($information)) {{--*/ $policy_number = $information->policy_number /*--}} @else {{--*/ $policy_number = '' /*--}} @endif @if(isset($information->product_name)) {{--*/ $product_name = $information->product_name /*--}} @else {{--*/ $product_name = '' /*--}} @endif @if(isset($information->insurer)) {{--*/ $insurer = $information->insurer /*--}} @else {{--*/ $insurer = '' /*--}} @endif

{{$product_name.' - '.$policy_number}}

@if($information->status == 0)


Comment: {{$information->comments_for_rejection}}

{!! Form::open(array('url' => 'account/update-completed-lead')) !!}
{{ Form::hidden('id', $information->id)}}
{!! Form::label('Policy Number') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Product Name') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Insurer') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Date Of Birth ') !!} :
{{date('d-m-Y', strtotime($information->dob))}}
{!! Form::label('Occupation') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Address') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Telephone') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Type Of Cover') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Monthly Commitment') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Monthly Benefit') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Monthly Cost') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Excess period') !!} :
@if($information->typeofcover == 'AS') @php $excessperiod = ''; switch ($information->excessperiod) { case 0: case 1: $excessperiod = ' 1 Day'; break; case 7: $excessperiod = ' 1 Week'; break; case 14: $excessperiod = ' 2 Weeks'; break; case 30: $excessperiod = ' 4 Weeks'; break; case 60: $excessperiod = ' 8 Weeks'; break; case 91: $excessperiod = ' 13 Weeks'; break; case 182: $excessperiod = ' 26 Weeks'; break; case 364: $excessperiod = ' 52 Weeks'; break; case 392: $excessperiod = ' 56 Weeks'; break; case 728: $excess_period="104 Weeks"; break; case 784: $excess_period="112 Weeks"; break; default: echo "Back to Day 1"; } @endphp @else @if($information->excessperiod == 1) {{--*/ $excessperiod = ' Back to Day 1' /*--}} @elseif(!empty($information->excessperiod) ) {{--*/ $excessperiod = $information->excessperiod.' days' /*--}} @else {{--*/ $excessperiod = '' /*--}} @endif @endif
{!! Form::label('Account Number') !!} :
{!! Form::label('IBAN') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Bank Bic') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Branch Bic') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Town') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Bank Phone') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Increasing Benefit ') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Premise Name') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Name') !!} :
{{$information->title.' '.$information->fname.' '.$information->lname}}
{!! Form::label('Employee Status') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Employer Name ') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Postcode') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Email') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Insurance Startdate') !!} :
{{date('d-m-Y', strtotime($information->insurance_startdate))}}
{!! Form::label('Insurance Enddate') !!} :
{{date('d-m-Y', strtotime($information->insurance_enddate))}}
{!! Form::label('Type of Protection') !!} :
{{title_case(str_replace('_',' ',$information->typeofprotection))}}
{!! Form::label('Age') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Benefit Period') !!} :
@if($information->benefit_period == 6)
6 Months
@elseif($information->benefit_period == 12)
12 Months
@elseif($information->benefit_period == 18)
18 Months
{!! Form::label('Cover') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Account Name') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Sortcode') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Bank') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Branch') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Branch Address') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Bank Postcode') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Affiliate Id') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Smoker') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Lead Source Field') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Salary') !!} :
@if($questions->q9 == 'Kg') {{$questions->q9_message.''}} Kgs
@else {{$questions->q9_message.''}} Lbs @endif

Available date: {{$questions->q10_date}}
Preferred time: {{$questions->q10_time}}
@stop @section('pageBottomJs') @stop