@extends('layouts.frontend') @section('title', 'Adviser Centre: Income Protection Insurance') @section('content')
@if(Auth::check()) @else

Log in to
your account

If you have already registered with Best Insurance,
please log in to access your account.

@if ($errors->has('email')) {{ $errors->first('email') }} @endif
@if ($errors->has('password')) {{ $errors->first('password') }} @endif
{{ csrf_field() }}

Register with
Best Insurance

Create a new account to submit your business,
and receive great added benefits.

Register today

Why work with us?

  • ✔ Wide range of market leading products
  • ✔ Best commission rates
  • ✔ Dedicated and prompt support team
  • For further information, email us at bestbrokersupport@bestinsurance.co.uk
    or call 0330 330 9465.

    @endsection @section('pageBottomJs') @stop