@extends('layouts.frontend') @section('title', 'Cover page') @section('content')

{{ $product_details->product_name}}

@endif @if(Session::get('failure'))
  • Cover
  • Bank Details
  • Confirmation


@if($personal_data->product_id=="39" && $personal_data->emp_status=="Self-Employed") {!!$product_details->your_policy_doc_text!!} @else {!!$product_details->disclaimer!!} @endif

If you don't understand any point, please contact us for further information. The documents above contain important information relating to the policy that you are about to purchase and on which we will rely in the event of a claim.
declaration_confirm == 'on' ? "checked":"") }} />  I confirm
You declare to the best of your knowledge and belief that all statements made are true, accurate and complete, please be aware if these statements are not true, accurate and complete it could mean your claim may be declined and or your policy cancelled.
@foreach ($questions as $key=>$value) @if(isset($value) && $value != '')
* {!! $value !!}
$key == 'Yes' ? "checked":"") }}/> Yes $key == 'No' ? "checked":"") }}/>No
@if($key == 'question2' && $personal_data->product_id != 13) @endif
@endif @endforeach @if($personal_data->product_id=="38")
* Are you transferring cover from another provider?
question13 == 'Yes' ? "checked":"") }}/> Yes question14 == 'No' ? "checked":"") }}/>No
@endif @if($personal_data->product_id=="40")
* Are you transferring cover from another provider?
question10 == 'Yes' ? "checked":"") }}/> Yes question10 == 'No' ? "checked":"") }}/>No

@endsection @section('page-script') @stop