@extends('layouts.frontend') @section('title', 'View Lead Information') @section('content')

View Lead Information @if(!empty($information->accountnumber)) [ Complete ] @else [ Incomplete ] @endif

Back To User Dashboard

@if($information->status == 0)

Application Regected!

Comment: {{$information->comments_for_rejection}}

{!! Form::open(array('url' => 'account/update-completed-lead')) !!}
{{ Form::hidden('id', $information->id)}}
{!! Form::label('Policy Number') !!} :
@if(!empty($policy_prefix)) {{$policy_prefix->policy_prefix.$information->policy_number}} @else - @endif
{!! Form::label('Name') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Date Of Birth ') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Employee Status') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Occupation') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Employer Name ') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Address') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Postcode') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Email') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Telephone') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Insurance Startdate') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Type Of Cover') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Type of Protection') !!} :
{{title_case(str_replace('_',' ',$information->typeofprotection))}}
{!! Form::label('Monthly Commitment') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Age') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Monthly Benefit') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Benefit Period') !!} :
@if($information->benefit_period == 6)
6 Months
@elseif($information->benefit_period == 12)
12 Months
@elseif($information->benefit_period == 18)
18 Months
{!! Form::label('Monthly Cost') !!} :
£ {{ number_format((float)str_replace(',','',$information->monthlycost), 2, '.', '') }}
{!! Form::label('Cover') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Excess period') !!} :
@if($information->excessperiod == 1) @elseif(!empty($information->excessperiod) ) @else @endif
{!! Form::label('Account Name') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Account Number') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Sortcode') !!} :
{!! Form::label('IBAN') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Bank') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Bank Bic') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Branch') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Branch Bic') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Branch Address') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Town') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Bank Postcode') !!} :
{!! Form::label('Bank Phone') !!} :
{{ Form::label('Do you permanently reside and work within the UK, Channel Islands or Isle of Man?') }}
{{'- '.$questions->question1}}
{{ Form::label('Have you or do you suffer from any major or chronic medical conditions or are you currently taking any medication or awaiting referral for consultation or treatment?') }}
{{'- '.$questions->question2}}
{{ Form::label('Are you now and have you been for the past six months in continuous permanent employment, contract employment or self employment for more than 16 hours per week?') }}
{{'- '.$questions->question3}}
{{ Form::label('Are you subject to any ongoing enquiry or disciplinary action by your employer') }}
{{'- '.$questions->question4}}
{{ Form::label('Are you aware of any impending unemployment or a risk you may become unemployed. If you are self-employed, you must not be aware of any reasons which would mean your business is likely to close;') }}
{{'- '.$questions->question5}}
{{ Form::label('Do you know of any redundancies, restructure, reorganisation, financial or contractual threats within the department you work in, even if you do not believe these actions will result in you becoming unemployed? ') }}
{{'- '.$questions->question6}}
{{ Form::label('Are you aware of any circumstances which may lead to you giving up work to become a full-time carer.') }}
{{'- '.$questions->question7}}
{{ Form::label('Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence or received a police caution for fraud or theft or any financial crime(s)?') }}
{{'- '.$questions->question7}}
@stop @section('pageBottomJs') @stop