Your Quote
@if ( $product_details->id == '39' || $product_details->id == '40' || $product_details->id == '41' || $product_details->id == '42') @endif
Quote Date: {{ date('d/m/Y') }}
Prepared by: {{ $affiliatename }}
Name: {{ $personal_data->title . ' ' . $personal_data->fname . ' ' . $personal_data->lname }}
Date of Birth: {{ $personal_data->dob }}
Address: {{ $add }}
Your Personal Illustration
@if ($product_details->id == '41' || $product_details->id == '42')

{{ $product_details->pdf_underwritten_txt }}

Cover type Monthly Benefit Waiting Period Benefit Period
{{ $policy }} £{{ $personal_data->monthlybenefit }} {{ $waiting_period }} {{ $product_details->benifit_period }} Months

{{ $product_details->pdf_underwritten_txt }}

@if ($product_details->id != '29') @else @endif @if ( $product_details->id == '37' || $product_details->id == '38' || $product_details->id == '39' || $product_details->id == '40') @elseif($product_details->id != '44' && $product_details->id != '51') @endif @if ($product_details->id != '29') @else @endif @if ( $product_details->id == '37' || $product_details->id == '38' || $product_details->id == '39' || $product_details->id == '40') @elseif($product_details->id != '44' && $product_details->id != '51') @endif
Cover type Monthly Benefit Excess Period Policy Transfer Initial Exclusion Period
( Unemployment Cover only )
Benefit Period Waiting Period Waiting Period Payment Option
{{ $policy }} £{{ $personal_data->monthlybenefit }} {{ $excess_period }} {{ $personal_data->transfer }} {{ $initial_exclusion }} {{ $product_details->benifit_period }} Months {{ $waiting_period }} {{ $waiting_period }} {{ 'Monthly Direct Debit' }}
@if ($product_details->id == '44') @elseif($product_details->id == '51') @else @endif @if ( $product_details->id != '29' && $product_details->id != '34' && $product_details->id != '35' && $product_details->id != '36' && $product_details->id != '37' && $product_details->id != '38' && $product_details->id != '39' && $product_details->id != '40' && $product_details->id != '44' && $product_details->id != '51') @endif @if ( $product_details->id != '29' && $product_details->id != '34' && $product_details->id != '35' && $product_details->id != '36' && $product_details->id != '37' && $product_details->id != '38' && $product_details->id != '41' && $product_details->id != '42' && $product_details->id != '44' && $product_details->id != '51') @endif
Monthly Cost: Basic Premium : £{{ $basic_price }}
Insurance Premium Tax : £{{ $insurance_price }}
Total Premium Payable : £{{ $price }}
Annual Premium: Basic Premium : £{{ $basic_price_annual }}
Insurance Premium Tax : £{{ $insurance_price_annual }}
Total Premium Payable : £{{ $annual_price }}
Monthly Premium Instalment: {{ $price }}
Monthly Premium Instalment: {{ $price }}
Annual premium: £{{ $price * 12 }}
Quote Valid Until: {{ date('d/m/Y') }}
@if ($product_details->id == '38')

*If you are transferring your policy, the initial exclusion period will be waived on a like for like basis, subject to terms and conditions. Any increase to your existing benefit amount will be subject to the initial exclusion period.


This personal illustration should be read in conjunction with the Insurance Product Information Document (IPID) & Policy Wordings. The IPID summarises the cover provided by this policy and the significant or unusual exclusions that apply.

@if ($product_details->id == '44')
@elseif( $product_details->id != '29' && $product_details->id != '34' && $product_details->id != '35' && $product_details->id != '36' && $product_details->id != '38')
@elseif($product_details->id == '38')
@endif @if ($product_details->id == '34') @else @endif
0330 330 9465 {{ $product_details->product_name }}
{{ $product_details->product_name }}

Best Insurance is a trading name of Best Risk Management and Financial Service Limited who are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA registration number 583497). Registered office is 4th Floor, Telecom House, 125-135 Preston Rd, Brighton BN1 6AF (Registered No. 07095571). @if ($product_details->id == '34' || $product_details->id == '36') BRMFSIS150QIT1 @endif @if ($product_details->id == '29' || $product_details->id == '35') BRMFSIBA150QIT1 @endif