Income Protection
Quote Summary
Reference: D/SIP/Q/FF3520C4
Date: {{ date('d/m/Y H:i:s')}}
Quote details for {{$personal_data->fname . ' '.$personal_data->lname }}
The Financial Conduct Authority is the independent financial services regulator. It requires us, Shepherds Friendly Society Ltd, to provide important information to help you and your client decide whether our Income Protection plan is the right plan to choose. This document should be read carefully along with the Key Features and 'How we manage your money' guide so that your client understands what they are buying. It is recommended that all documents are kept safe for future reference.

If the quote suits your client's needs, an applicaion for the plan can be completed online
Your Client's Details
Name: {{$personal_data->title.' '.$personal_data->fname . ' '.$personal_data->lname }}
Date of Birth: {{$personal_data->dob}}
Your Client's Quote
Annual income: £{{$personal_data->monthlybenefit*12}}
Required monthly income (in the event of a claim): £ {{ number_format(($personal_data->monthlybenefit/70)*100, 2, '.', '') }}
Cover from: {{$excess}}
Age at end of plan: 70
Benefit payment period: {{date('d/m/Y',strtotime($personal_data->insurance_startdate.'+1 year -1 day')) }}
Indexation: No
Monthly premium: £{{$price }}
Commission: £ {{number_format(($price *12)*245/100, 2, '.', '') }}
The premium amount will increase every year on the anniversary of the plan. The table below shows the increases for the first five years, and then at five year intervals. The full rate table can be accessed at

The monthly premium will increase with age. The table below shows how your client's premiums increase as they get older. The increases do not include indexation.
Age: Monthly Premium
57 £75.60
58 £75.60
59 £75.60
60 £75.60
61 £75.60
Sickness Benefit Sickness benefit will start after 8 weeks of continuous incapacity at the following rates:
Year 1: £1,000.00 per month
Year 2: £1,000.00 per month
Year 3 onwards: £1,000.00 per month
If your client's policy has indexation then the above amounts will be increased to reflect this.
Total Benefit and Total Premium
If you claimed immediately on your plan and the claim continues to the finishing date, the total amount of potential benefit payable is £157,000.00

Although you are free to cancel at any time, if you choose to keep paying your plan right through to your selected finishing age you would pay £11,869.20 in premiums.

Please note that the total amount of benefits and premiums shown above is purely illustrative and may change if we review premium rates or if you selected the indexation option. Please refer to the Key Features document for further details.
This illustration is only valid for 21 days
If your client has a birthday within this 21 day period you will need to re-quote before taking out the plan.
How much will the advice cost?
Shepherds Friendly will pay commission to Best Insurance for arranging this plan

This will amount to £2222.64
Registered Office: Haw Bank House, High Street, Cheadle, Cheshire, SK8 1AL.
Tel: 0800 526 249 Fax: 0161 428 3666 Web: Email:
Shepherds Friendly is a trading name of The Shepherds Friendly Society Limited which is an Incorporated Friendly Society under the Friendly Societies Act. Registered No 240F Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority, Financial Services register No 109997.
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