@if($answers->q2 == 'Yes') @endif
1 . {!! $questions->q1 !!} {{$answers->q1}}
2 . {!! $questions->q2 !!} {{$answers->q2}} {{$answers->q2_message}}
3 . If you need to make a claim we will require proof of your earnings in the previous 12 months. If you are unable to provide evidence that supports the earnings stated the claim benefit you receive may be affected.
Occupation Status Earnings Evidence
Employed (indicate your gross annual salary) Printed payslips, P60 and P11d if applicable
Self Employed/ In Partnership (indicate your taxable profit) Most recent bank accounts, tax returns and agreed HMRC tax assessment
Director/ Shareholder in a private limited Earnings Dividends Total Printed payslips, P60 and p11d if applicable plus regular dividends
company (indicate your gross annual salary plus any regular dividends you received in the last 12 months
@if($answers->q7 == 'Yes') @endif
4 . {!! $questions->q4 !!} {{$answers->q4}}
5 . {!! $questions->q5 !!} {{$answers->q5}}
6 . {!! $questions->q6 !!} {{$answers->q6}}
7 . {!! $questions->q7 !!} {{$answers->q7}} {{$answers->q7_message}}
8 . {!! $questions->q8 !!} {{$answers->q8}}
9 . {!! $questions->q9 !!} {{$answers->q9_message}} {{$answers->q9}}
10 .When would be the most convenient time for your medical tele-interview? {{$answers->q10_date}} {{$answers->q10_time}}